David Clive Price PhD


David Clive Price PhD is a UK-based cultural intelligence and global leadership expert, League Cultural Diplomacy Adviser and the author of many books, including his most recent publication Bamboo Strong: Cultural Intelligence Secrets to Succeed in the New Global Economy, which is a certified bestseller on Amazon.com.

You can click here to read all of David’s posts at wherewordsfailblog.com.


David Clive Price website: www.davidcliveprice.com
David Clive Price as a speaker: www.davidcliveprice.com/speaker/
Bamboo Strong (book by David Clive Price): www.davidcliveprice.com/bamboo-strong
Brochure for Bamboo Strong: http://davidcliveprice.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Speaker-Packet.pdf